good news in 2022 | association standard for smart traffic led by duolun technology to come into force on january 1st-凯发天生赢家一触即发官网

  good news in 2022 | association standard for smart traffic led by duolun technology to come into force on january 1st-凯发天生赢家一触即发官网
good news in 2022 | association standard for smart traffic led by duolun technology to come into force on january 1st

with duolun technology leading the drafting of the association standard, t/ cts5-2021 data communication protocol between traffic signal controller and v2x drive test equipment, centralized by road traffic safety association of peoples republic of china, was promulgated on december 31, 2021 and would enter into force on january 1, 2022, with the aim of implementing the industry standard of specifications for the information release interface of traffic signal controller, reducing equipment conflicts between different manufacturers and facilitating seamless connection between annunciators of different manufacturers and v2x drive test equipment.



in the scenarios of smart internet of vehicles, the information interaction between traffic signal controller and drive test equipment acts as an important core function. traffic signal information, as the most important traffic information about the traffic conditions at intersections, plays an indispensable role in smart traffic. meanwhile, accurate and safe signal information transmission constitutes the foundation of and key to smart internet of vehicles.


on november 5, 2021, national standardization technical committee on traffic management (sac/tc 576) issued a notice on the implementation of the industry standard of specifications for the information release interface of traffic signal controller: on october 9, 2020, the technical supervision committee of the ministry of public security approved the recommended industry standard of specifications for the information release interface of traffic signal controller (ga / t 1743-2020), which would be formally implemented on march 1, 2021. the release of this industry standard suggests that, the traffic signal controller as a major device for roadside traffic control and management, extends its function from control and management to service provision, thus building a unified technical standard for product development in the future.


01 drafting organization

duolun technology took the lead in drafting data communication protocol between traffic signal controller and v2x drive test equipment, with joint efforts by nanjing university of science & technology, jiangsu smart travel future automobile research institute co., ltd., nanjing les cybersecurity and information technology research institute co., ltd., and sinowatcher technology co., ltd. in shenzhen, in order to formulate the data communication specification between annunciator and v2x drive test equipment, avoid repetitive adaptation and development in the connections, and reduce time, manpower and expenses to institute this standard.


02 contents

the association standard stipulates the technical requirements of the structure, physical layer, data link layer, network layer and application layer of data communication protocol between traffic signal controller and v2x drive test equipment. quoting from specifications for the information release interface of traffic signal controller (gat 1743-2020), the association standard detailed a number of items based on the practical applications.


03 significance

this association standard helps reduce repetitive adaptation and development during the equipment connections, as well as diminish time, manpower and expenses spent in its implementation. duolun technology’s leading role in the drafting of the standard represents not only the recognition of its brand strength, but also its professionalism from the industry.



duolun technology has devoted itself to informatized traffic management and modernized traffic safety services over the past two decades. it has taken the lead and participated in 12 national, industry and association standards that appertain to “mass transportation”. in the future, it will stay true to its original aspiration and redouble efforts in mass transportation, with a view to expanding and enriching the information interaction scenarios of internet of vehicles and vehicle-road collaboration as well as planning and establishing the digital identity of the networked facilities and vehicles, so as to promote the declaration of technical specifications and standards, and contribute to the standardization in the field of “mass transportation”.

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